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Download Free Ebooks

These free downloadable ebooks on internet marketing and online business may be freely downloaded, shared and given away on your own website...

FREE Automatic Money Machines
For a limited time
, you can download Derrick VanDyke's Automatic Money Machines and Free Traffic Secrets for FREE ($97 Value)!

Plus you get the Affiliate Organizer software to make your work easier.

Click Here to Download!

The 12 Habits of Highly Effective Internet Marketers
Gary Huynh shares "some surprising success factors which could be the turning point in your online business career (if you choose to take action)"!

Keywords Analyzer Course
Learn everything that you possibly can about keywords, content & search engine marketing, as it will have a major impact on the success of your online business!



Download the 14 Point Web Copy Analysis
of a Winning Site by Yanik Silver (PDF File)

This is a "talking ebook" where Yanik walks you
through the 14 points you need to include in
any sales letter that you create.




The Ultimate SupertipThe Ultimate SuperTip!

I got an email from Harvey Segal about his newest book, The Ultimate Supertip. I took a look at it, ended up reading it cover to cover - - and I was completely floored!

Of course, it didnt hit me until the very last page (you'll see why when you read it), but when it did... I knew that Harvey's book was quite simply the greatest viral marketing idea of all time!

You absolutely must check this out. It's free, it's quick & easy to read... and it will open your eyes to an idea and opportunity that is truly unlike anything you've seen or heard on the 'net lately.

You'll also find an incredible little opportunity weaved into this book that will allow you to have your own Viral Marketing campaign... without even having to write your own book! And you wont just get exposure or clicks out of it -- you'll earn CASH!

Check it out - like I said, it's free... Harvey doesnt even ask for your email address! Click here to download The Ultimate Supertip

Ad Tracking ScriptsAd Tracking Supertips

Every Internet marketing expert will tell you the very same secret of their success. They constantly track and test their results. If you spend money on advertising but don't track the results then you are simply throwing money away.

And there's only one way to find out the effectiveness of every single ad that you run. You need to use an ad tracking program.

Ad Tracking SuperTips, written by Harvey Segal (Mr SuperTips) is neatly set out, easy to follow, written without hype and not littered with annoying links. It's packed with solid tips on how to get the best out of your ad tracking programs.

And the cost of this collection of gems ? It's free !

Click here to download Ad Tracking Supertips, Free

ClickBank GuideThe ClickBank Guide

If you like the idea of earning money by selling other people's products, check out the free ClickBank Guide.

- a terrific resource for ClickBank affiliates!

You'll also find these two ebooks (yes, all three of them are FREE) at the ClickBank Guide:

ClickBank Affiliate SuperTips 

Discover how to select and promote a successful program, and the unique tips to put you ahead of other affiliates.


ClickBank Vendor SuperTipsClickBank affiliates hit the big time when they become vendors. Why not have affiliates working for YOU !

You don't even need your own product - the book explains how.

Forum Supertips

Forum Supertips!Every day across countless thousands of forums on the Net, people are asking questions.

What an opportunity for those who can answer them !

It could be you and this book explains exactly
- how to find exactly what forum visitors are looking for
- how to quickly create a resource that will answer their questions
- how to make superior postings to get people to visit your resource - with no hype and no ads and no affiliate links
- how you will profit handsomely from these visits

Forum SuperTips, written by Harvey Segal (Mr SuperTips) is neatly set out, easy to follow, written without hype and not littered with annoying links.

It's packed with solid tips on "How to Post at Forums
- for Profit". Download it Free by clicking here!


Viral Marketing SupertipsViral Marketing Supertips

You may have heard of viral marketing whereby you provide a useful product to someone who in turn can pass that on so that everyone can benefit.

In his new book, Viral Marketing SuperTips, Harvey provides an ingenious twist which can lead to ever increasing traffic and sales.

YES, It's free !


Want to create your own ebooks to sell or give away?
See the free Ebook Development Section


More Free Ebook Downloads:

Ken Evoy, owner of SiteSell, puts out a terrific collection of manuals and products to help you Make Your Site Sell! I personally purchased, and use, Make Your Site Sell! and find it to be a fabulous resource. See what Ken Evoy is allowing me to GIVE AWAY FOR FREE to SSWT Subscribers:

Click on each of the titles for details & download information: