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Top 10 Tips On How To Make Money From My Computer

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Top 10 Tips On How To Make Money From My Computer

Postby ebiznes » Wed Sep 10, 2008 4:52 am

I often come across such a hot question from newbies: “How can I earn money from home using my computer?” or “Is there any legitimate way to make money at home from my computer?”, etc.

There are a large variety of ways to make money from the comfort of your home using just a computer and internet. But here before starting your business journey on the web, you should take into consideration the following important thing:

First, you should decide if you are comfortable to be hired by a company for which you’ll work at home or you want to launch your own business and work on your own. In other words, you should decide to look for either online jobs or home business opportunities.

Each of these methods can be profitable and even may allow you to leave your current job. I know many people who are making money at home either doing online jobs or promoting their own business. Or you can even use both methods at the same time, like me. So it’s at your choice.
In this guide I want just to show you both popular ways on how to make money online from computer.

1. Create a blog based on your hobby or experience
Think what you know better than others or about what your friends often ask your advice/help. Then create a blog on the area of your expertise or hobby. Get some traffic and then monetize your blog using lots of methods available on the web. Just search in google for “how to monetize blog”.

2. Sell your Service

You can offer your service:
• On your blog
• On forums, message boards and classified ad sites.

The second option is more suitable for those who don’t have any website or blog.

As for your service, you can sell your any talent/ability on the web. It may involve from web design to internet marketing. It is up to your fantasy and experience or skill at certain area.

3. Freelancing

Today online freelance jobs are very popular and I know many people that earn solid income just sitting at home and working on their own schedule. Today the most popular jobs are writing and data entry projects. As an experienced copywriter, I recommend you to certainly try writing jobs which you can find at various popular freelancing websites like elance, getafreelance, etc.

4. Coaching

Actually, it is a kind of service you can offer online at any area. For example, if you have some skill at skin care, you can become a beauty consultant, or if you’re a good writer you can teach others writing secrets.

5. Open online store

This business opportunity is also very popular among web users. As an online store makes you feel as an online entrepreneur who has achieved financial freedom. There are many options to choose from. Today even you may get your own online store with various hot products for free. You don’t need even to bother about shipping. All is done for you on auto-pilot.

6. Affiliate business

Nowadays affiliate marketing is so popular that you may come across tons of affiliate websites or e-books almost on every corner of the web. But you may find so tons of opportunities that you may become confused how to choose the best. But the most important thing you should consider is your area of interest/expertise or hobby.

7. Refer people to free products and trials

Many web users always hesitate while buying products or services online. So if to direct them to free offers and trials or such kind of other opportunities, you will most likely get paid, as after free trying and approving the product, they will buy it.

8. Create and sell your own info product

This money making method require a bit patience. But you can succeed, if you create valuable info product on hot topic and start marketing it on regular basis. But the main benefit of this method is that you’ll monthly residual income once your products become popular on the net.

9. E-bay business

Today almost anyone has heard about ebay. Every month thousands people earn his living just sitting at home and selling hot products on e-bay. You can also try. But of course, here it is more important to know where and how to start.

10. Build cash pulling websites

Not only blogs, but also mini websites with only 1000-5000 words may very profitable. If you have noticed, many internet gurus use mini websites as a main tool to achieve their goals.

Of course, in one article I cannot talk in all details about each method on how to make money from computer. You may try the above mentioned on your own through trials and errors. But if you want to

• Avoid any scam because of which you can lose your hard-earned money
• Start earning from your computer just today
• •Act under a mentor’s step-by-step guide
• Avoid any possible errors to earn faster and more in a shorter time.

Then just today go to and get this e-course that is really proven way not to fail as a beginner. And not only! As you guessed, in many cases to get the best results in a short time, you will need a website. So visit this website to learn all details how to put in action all the above mentioned 10 tips and also get your FREE money making website.

Interested for more tips on how to start making money online? Then do not forget to read Khanum’s other practical guides and tips at and learn how to start earning your first online income just today!
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Sep 10, 2008 4:27 am

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