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WAH Networking Site Idea/Concept Feedback?

Post your website for review, and let fellow members give you valuable feedback! Please post the link, a bit of information about your website, and what it is you would like feedback on specifically (design, color scheme, browser compatibility, copy, functionality, etc)

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WAH Networking Site Idea/Concept Feedback?

Postby DesigningLife » Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:45 pm

I've posted this on another MB (my first and only just opened :) ) but rather than risk appearing like I'm trying to send traffic there (which is pretty tempting with a brand new MB, LOL), I will copy/paste it here: Apology in advance for this being such a long post..............

I had (what I believe to be) an awesome idea pop into my head the other morning! Most of you are probably familiar with Cheapcycle and Freecycle(tm), right? They've pretty much become household terms, even among those not using the Internet, and I know that Freecycle(tm) has become global.

Well, how come, with over 100 million or so work at home websites online, and about 5,000 new searches per DAY from surfers seeking work at home, someone hasn't come up with a single source resource for catering to these needs with a work at home network, that would be accessible (easily and instantly accessible) to everyone - and for FREE?

Nearly every work at home website I visit is trying to create their own networking programs and marketing campaigns. This takes time and creativity - and sometimes money to implement. These webmasters have designed innovative work at home kits, contests, eBooks, training courses, web design services, communities, and other incentives. Too often, their efforts remain confined to small inner circles of friends they've already made and word of mouth travels slower than the rate of new work at home websites popping up and competing with them daily.

People seeking work at home or home business options have a gazillion things to sift through to try and locate something. These people need training, information, foot pedals for transcription jobs, telephones with headsets, support...and more...and actually "finding" quality resources for these things can be a crapshoot.

Why hasn't someone created "WAHcycle", a highly viral network, to meet the needs of both groups mentioned above. I believe that the idea of building a single source swap, sell, share work at home arena will take off like wildfire and soon become one of those "household words" similar to the Freecycle(tm) term and concept!

Am I crazy? Please be honest since this is my time and effort we're talking about salvaging if it is a stupid idea.

I've only published one page and I'm working on tweaking it and building the rest, but please give me suggestions and feedback for this completely free resource/website I am building....called ...


Here is the main "group" that also isn't finished yet as I'm wanting to be sure to cover all my bases properly along the way.

I will be turning blue while holding my breath in anticipation of your thoughts on this...

PS, the Locator Map will simply be an interactive map for quickly locating area groups.

ETA: I am trademarking the name since it is not listed anywhere online or within the US Federal Patent and Trademark Office.

PS - I've only received one review which was a big thumbs up at another MB, so I'm really worried this is a very stupid idea since no one else posted feedback although I know they looked over the site. Either they are thinking I have everything "under control" and I'm somehow already "above them", OR they think it's a really crazy thought and they just don't want to hurt my feelings. Help? Suggestions? Honesty please...

Edited 2/18/07: I had replied below but the lack of responses from a few sources I asked leads me to believe that I was having a "pipe dream" LOL. I wanted to delete my original post but it appears that I can't. I'll follow through and finish with my idea though, since I've had people sign up already before I am ready for it. It's only a few pages and shouldn't take long.

Thank you Lynn, and sorry for the confusion. :) Have a great weekend (what's left of it anyway) ;)
Last edited by DesigningLife on Sun Feb 18, 2007 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Lynn Terry » Sat Feb 17, 2007 2:51 pm

I've never heard of freecycle... so I am not sure what you are going off of exactly. But the site looks great - very nice layout. I get the impression you are targeting women specifically (wahm's) not just the work-at-home market in general. Correct?
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