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We're All Doomed...

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We're All Doomed...

Postby JosephRatliff » Fri Oct 17, 2008 4:22 pm

We’re All Doomed, Or My Take On The Current World Recession…And How You Can Profit From It
By Joseph Ratliff

“We’re all doomed”…and it’s actually really sad.

Turn on the T.V., and there’s another news media station running the same “whoa is me” crap that they have been spinning for a long time. Negative news, and the spin that the media puts on it (read: drama they add to it)…is what sells. The news won’t quit reporting that way.

My question to many of you (this does NOT apply to all of you) is…

“Why the hell do you get sucked into the negative crap you’re watching on T.V and reading in the media?”

Followed by…

“If you’re getting sucked into it, and even worse believe all of it, why are you just sitting back waiting/hoping for things to change?”

You don’t need financial knowledge to know that things suck in the economy right now. But, because things suck…what the hell are you (nobody else) going to do about it?

I mean it.

What the heck are you going to do that will have the greatest positive impact on the economy and your business…along with your family/personal life?

Are you going to just sit there and “take it”…? Are you going to let things that you can’t control anyway, affect your business and personal lives without a fight?

Even if you have a 401k, it will become a 101k for a little while at least ;) …so know that and get over it…how are you going to adjust to minimize the impact from the Wall Street Woes?

Look…I don’t have all the answers here…nor could I even claim to…but I do know the following bottom line:

* The economy sucks right now, big time.

* We will be into/are getting close to a recession of some type.

* Credit will be affected and hard to get for at least a year if not more.

* Businesses will fold up tent and shut down.

* The housing market is screwed right now.

* 401k’s and pension plans may totally evaporate.

* Jobs will be lost…and lots of them.

* Wall Street (The Dow Jones, NASDAQ, etc…) will “bottom out.”

* Food prices will go up for awhile.

* Gas may be in short supply for awhile.

* Regular energy prices will continue to rise.

* On and on and on with all of the freakin’ negative stuff.

Ok, I have just provided you with what will be the top news on T.V. and other media, for the next two years at least…so you can now quit watching it.

Besides, it’s sucking the very life out of you with all of the negativity it sells to you any how, so why continue to do that to yourself? :)

If you really feel the need to “keep up with current events” so you can have something to talk about at dinner parties and among friends or whatever…get the Sunday paper (only).

Really, it boils down to a choice you have to make…

…and there is no “gray area” with this decision by the way…

So don’t try to weasel out of making this choice by making excuses, rationalizing, going into denial, etc…etc…

Because trying to weasel out of this choice will not do anybody (including yourself) any bit of good.

And the choice you have to make to steer through these tough times goes back to something my “Grandpappy” and Dad used to tell me (it’s amazing how much of that sage advice rings true) :

“You can choose to be part of the problem, or choose to be part of the solution to that problem.”

That’s it.

There’s nothing more.

We have a problem here people and we all know it…and as business owners (if you’re not, consider becoming one), we have a responsibility and the power to affect great and positive change on that problem (the developing recession).


We can all just sit back and whine about it, continue to be scared, try to run from it, wait for something to change…or even worse deny that it exists and do nothing.

So take a minute to make your choice, right now…I’ll wait, but this choice can’t.

* If you chose to continue to be part of the problem, good luck to you…please don't call when the money runs out, and I truly hope that eventually you will come to your senses and realize that business and life is what you make of it…not what’s made for you.

* If you chose to be part of the solution, congratulations, I really mean it. But wait…you’re about to make a commitment to yourself, your family, your business, and society in just a minute…plus I am going to provide some pointers in this article as to how you can get started.

It’s time to make that commitment to yourself right now (there’s no better time, right?)…

By reading this post, and making it this far, you commit to the following ideas and mindset:

* If this whole thing goes really bad…and the whole economy folds up on itself…or the worst possible happens…you commit to “going out fighting,” never to stop growing your business and contributing to recovering our economy in all means possible to you, until your very last breath.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Most likely, the worst case scenario isn’t going to happen, it will get bad, but the economy will most likely rebound over a period of time as it has in the past.

* Realize the majority of what’s going on in the world economy is out of your control at this point any how…so just try to make the largest impact by doing what your gifted at…and continuing to reach as many people as you can with your business and yourself (like start a blog expressing your unique ideas and help others improve too).

* If you have a 401k or other investments, talk to a competent financial advisor before making a rash decision to “pull your money” out of the market and stuff it under your mattress. An idea is to transfer those funds to a “low risk” investment like treasury bonds or whatever (again, talk to a competent financial professional first, as I am NOT one).

* Get to work marketing your business, and analyzing your business. This is how you can impact the economy in the greatest way…by reaching more people, or deepening the reach with your customer base and providing value to their lives. You may have to examine how you are currently doing this, and change a little to better “sell something to a hungry market.”

* IMPORTANT NOTE: Contrary to what the media says, there are people spending money, and lots of it…remember that 80% of all the world’s wealth is made by 20% of the people…so do a better job of looking for the money.

On top of that, the remaining 80% of people do have money to spend…but you just have to adjust to adding value to what they are currently looking for.

Big Tip to help you find what people are looking for (or the “hungry market) :

Go to and scroll down to the bottom of the main page…then click on “Top Searches” at the bottom of the page. Then, pick a category that matches your interest or what you sell, and click on that category. What you’re left with are main keyword searches, the most popular ones…now market something to those keywords.

I think you’ll be surprised on what people are actually buying in these tough times…and you might find that the media has “over-hyped” these tough times a bit (I did).

You can also go to and search for what people are buying there in much the same way. Affiliate marketers, I have just provided one of the secrets I have personally been using for quite awhile to easily create review sites and make good money online.

* See this recession economy as an opportunity, rather than such a negative trend. People are still buying, just in different ways. Those “stuck in their ways” will suffer…those that can adapt, will profit…period.

* If you have a job, and are in fear of losing it…consider starting a home-based business instead. Instead of trading time for dollars, with a home-business you can instead trade value for money…and heck, you can’t fire yourself. If one income stream fails, you can simply create another, which is much easier than trying to find a job in these tough times.

If things are heading for the worst case scenario, you might as well go out fighting right? :) See my gifts page for valuable ideas and downloads about making money from the comfort of your home.

* Increase your marketing budget, and focus hard on testing/tweaking your marketing. The worst possible thing you can do in the tough times is to slow down / stop your marketing. Instead, use direct marketing with your customer base…following up with value to generate sales.

I could go on and on about more ways to get off your butt and make an effort to improve your business, personal life, and reduce the negative impact this recession has on those…but I know that you are intelligent enough to use this “commitment” and add to it as you apply it to your business.

But I do want to answer a question I have been getting from clients and readers in this discussion…

“Joe, what are you doing in your commitment to improve things for your business, and impact the lives of others in a positive way during these tought times?” < — (or a variation of that question)

Well, my business answer is a direct result of the profession I have chosen as a direct response copywriter and Internet Marketing Consultant.

—-> I am going to reach as many internet business owners as I can during these tough times. Knowing that I have the gift to work together with internet business owners from a variety of industries and help to increase their profits means one simple thing…I have to reach more of them. Typically, I am booked anywhere from 3 weeks to 4 months out…because I don’t work more than I want to each day, and schedule accordingly.

But in these tough times, that mentality has to change.

So, I am making more room in my schedule to accommodate more consultations and help to steer more internet marketers towards increased online profits.

If this means I work 6 days a week, and more hours per day to reach more people…or schedule groups of Internet Marketers together to reach more with the same time…then that’s what I will do.

Now for my personal answer to the above question…

I am going to make an extra effort to be the most positive person I can be around people. Don’t get me wrong, I am a “glass-half-full” type of person…but I am going to make an extra effort to brighten the days of the people I come into contact with. We all need to do this.

I am also going to make an effort to stop watching the news. It’s selling too much “negative” information right now, under the disguise of “this is IMPORTANT information to know”.

We already know the economy sucks, and is going to suck for awhile…so why keep re-living it day after day... right?

Gotta enjoy life…even if it means taking less vacations…we can create our own “mini-vacations” at home or at a park…breathing the fresh air. Thank God for each day that you’re alive.

I am going to make an effort to remember one phrase. That phrase is:

“Every day is a good day, some are better than others.”

There’s obviously more…but you get the idea.

Well, that about wraps up this rather LONG post. Thanks for reading, I really do value your time in reading.

Hey, I understand we are all busy, but if we can do a better job of improving other’s lives…we can laugh in the face of this recession!

Until the next time we look in the mirror together...

Joseph Ratliff
Internet Business Growth Specialist
Direct Response Copywriter
Author of The Profitable Business Edge 2

If you are seeking guidance to steer your internet business through the rough waters to come…send an email to me or call my office at 360-438-3632 and leave a message.

SPECIAL NOTE: I am making my rates more affordable for this effort, so more Internet Marketers can access that brain. :) Just keep in mind it is only one brain though, so hurry if you need immediate help.

While I am NOT placing an artificial limit on the number of consultations I will schedule…you know as well as I do there are limits to how many consultations anyone can schedule per day…so if you delay, you might have to wait in a LONG line.

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