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Web Site Design


Wordpress vs Frontpage
Should Wordpress be used to build a website or only to build blogs?  This question is an interesting one with the latest developments to the Wordpress program.

HTML Editors
There are many different types of HTML editors to create a new site in.  Here we discuss the most popular and preferred editors.

Good Web Programming (HTML) Books
Sometimes it's just better to have a solid book in your hand over surfing the net for answers.

Question on Learning HTML and Web Design
It can certainly be confusing when you're starting out trying to learn how to create a web site and master HTML coding.  Some suggestions on what to use to start building a website.

The Best HTML Course?
Learning HTML can be frustrating if you try to do everything yourself.  This discussion points out some of the places online and offline (books) you can go to learn HTML.

XSitePro vs SiteBuildIt
Discussion of using the website design program XSitePro versus the design program and system SiteBuildIt.