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Taking Business Offline


Investing Into Online or Offline?
A discussion on whether someone's money would be better spent with online or offline advertising and how to decide which to do.

12 Ways to Promote Your Website Offline
12 different ways you can promote your business and website offline, with a few extra tips added in.

57 Ways to Advertise Online & Offline
A larger list of ways to advertise that include both online and offline methods.  Lots of great information here.

Digital Photo Frames...for Marketing
Digital photo frames are a great offline promotional tool to showcase your business in places like real estate offices, photographers offices, and more.

Don't Forget Your Local Chamber of Commerce
Your local Chamber of Commerce is a great place to network and get the word out about your online business. 

Why is Everyone Overlooking the Gem
Discussion of the good old-fashioned press release and how it can be used to get a lot of offline publicity and exposure.

Budgeting a Business Startup
Advice on how to budget your business startup considering all your online and offline expenses and making a plan.