Learn Internet Marketing > Weekly Tips > SSWT 9/10/07

Auction Ads Case Study & Examples:
$5,000 in 3 Months...

Michael Brown is an SSWT subscriber, and an active member at our Discussion Forum... and he has found a way to dramatically increase his online income.

I have been talking with him about the details of his success over the last few weeks, and convinced him to share those details with you as a Case Study that you can use as a model to duplicate his success.

This case study is chock full of nitty gritty detail. One of the most interesting things about it is that Michael used a brand new website to conduct this Case Study.

Case Study: $5,000 in 3 Months

As online marketers we check stats and note how much we are making every day. The one thing I've noticed lately is that when I check my Adsense revenue... its way down.

Recently a new website has sprung up to help all of us in the business: Auction Ads, which allows you to place ads on your website in the vein of adsense. Though similar in the size and shape of the ad banners the similarities end there. Auction Ads has made me a lot more money than adsense and that excites me.

I'm going to take you through a small easy to read case study experiment that I did for 2 months that will astound you even if you've been in affiliate marketing and internet site building for years. This study will show you the difference in not only income but how Auction Ads Differs from Adsense and why it makes more money.

This study will also show that in under 3 months I’ve made nearly $5,000 with Auction Ads...

Google Adsense used to perform well for me but since they've dropped the bomb on everyone and added content bidding its gone way down hill. Don't get me wrong, it’s still possible to make good money with Adsense but if you combine it with Auction Ads it’s going to bring you a lot more than you could imagine.

Before I break into the study results let me say this... the main difference between Auction Ads and Adsense is that Auction Ads pay per action AND per sale and Adsense only pays per click. Are you nervous yet? Don't be.

In the 2 months with Auction Ads I made 10x more money than I did with Adsense. Auction Ads connects people who click on your links with auctions on eBay. Auction Ads has a huge secret that I’ll get to later on in this case study that allows it to make much more than Adsense - and you are going to love it.

I will also note that to do this experiment I used a brand new website that featured both ads in relevantly similar positions or even simply rotated each ad in and out in some cases alternating.

How I began the experiment was by designing a website that featured content and that featured products. On each page I put Auction Ads banners and Adsense banners near each other or as mentioned above rotated them alternately.

I made sure that whereever I featured Auction Ads I featured Adsense and so on. The idea was that at the end of my experiment I wanted to be sure of what is going to be more profitable for me. That’s what we are all in business for; to make the most money we can in the most efficient way.

I wanted to keep the website small so I kept it under 2 pages for this experiment and harvested traffic through PPC (pay per click) and through free classified ads as well as search engine marketing.

Now for the good stuff that you're waiting to see - the numbers...

In the first month Adsense made the following income: $43.61 on 292 clicks. While Auction Ads pulled 2589 for a total of $324.96 for this case study.

Now you may wonder why Auction Ads click count is so high compared to adsense. There are actually a couple reasons. First Auction Ads offer a 30 day cookie tracking so any actions taken by the visitor on your site that continues to surf eBay gets tracked.

Secondly when someone clicks on your Adsense links and they go away from your site, they are gone and do not get tracked at all. So anything that person buys off of a click through adsense is gone and you are stuck with your 5-15 cents for the click.

Let’s talk money now. As you can see Auction Ads in the first month made me $281.35 more than Adsense. Not a lot until you keep in mind this is a brand new site with very little traffic. You can only begin to imagine what it will do in a year or what 10 similar websites will do in a year.

So how was Auction Ads pulling that much more money? There’s a nice little secret that isn't getting a lot of publicity yet about auction ads. Ok I’m going to tell you now the huge difference between Auction Ads and Adsense.

See auction ads uses eBay’s affiliate structure and this is where you can pull some good cash. Anytime someone buys anything off eBay through your links you earn 6.5% of the commission on the final value fee or (FVF).

The real beauty is what happens next. EBay’s affiliate program has a nice little feature called ACRU. What is an ACRU? An ACRU is simply a new user who signs up for a new eBay account and makes a purchase through your affiliate link. For every ACRU that comes to eBay you not only make 6.5% commission on the (FVF) but you also make a $25 bonus for each one.

Let me repeat that, $25 each!

So if someone comes through your link anytime within 30 days and signs up with eBay and makes any (repeat ANY) purchase you are awarded a $25 bonus. Even if someone comes to eBay through your link and makes a $1 purchase you make the $25 bonus plus commission.

Now do you see what Adense is missing? Could you imagine what could happen if you had thousands of people buying through your Auction Ads links?

Now let’s move to month #2...

Adsense would catch up right? Wrong it gets worse for adsense. Adsense pulled a nice $69.80 profit. Not bad for a second month with few visitors until we take a look at Auction Ads.

Auction Ads pulled a sweet $1,000.14 pay check. Adsense doesn't even compete and again I simply took advantage of the $25 ACRU fees I got from Auction Ads. Now I'm not brilliant but if you showed me $1000 or $69 I'm taking the $1000 any day!

Month #3: August...

Adsense isn’t even worth mentioning as Auction Ads pulled a beautiful $3,350! In my report you’ll be able to see screen shots as well as techniques that I used to generate this amount.

Listen, Adsense has simply dropped down in stature and it’s time for something new, something that is going to make us some money. I'm not saying to dump Adsense but what I am saying is use it in conjunction with Auction Ads and make even more money. It's a no-brainer -- If you are already enjoying a nice income from Adsense get Auction Ads and add extra income to your pockets.

I have continued to test this method further and the results continue to be the same and Auction Ads is the king. The good news is the results for a content site have been the same as product sites.

You need to do 2 things: First sign up for Auction Ads for free and secondly Download my report that is going to show you how to make money with Auction Ads on your websites and the exact formula that I used that pulls ACRU’s and sales left and right.

You've read how Michael earned over $5,000
in 3 short months using Auction Ads...

Now you can download Part 2 of this Case Study where he details out the ad placement, along with his other heavily-tested strategies for improving profit potential with Auction Ads...

Part 2: Auction Ad Profits

Not only does he show you screen shots of his own Auction Ads account, he also shows you screen shots of actual page layouts... and tells you exactly how to position your content, your ads, and much much more!

Picture this as you've seen above. I made $1,000 & over $3,300 in my third month on just 1 website with Auction Ads off of 2 web pages (notice not websites but just 2 web pages!). Could you imagine doing this on 5 or 10 websites that have 10-20 pages each?

That’s $5,000-$10,000 extra dollars per month or more and I don't know anyone who'd say no to that...

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