Advertise on an Active Internet Marketing Forum
- For Less Than $1/day!

The most active area of this website is the Discussion Forum, which currently gets over 200,000 views per month. It is well indexed, heavily spidered and very active. You can advertise on specific categories (which includes the category and all posts within that category) at the SSWT Discussion Forum for as little as $7/week. This allows you to target a specific audience, based on discussion topics.

Current Pricing:
Weekly:   $7 per week
Monthly:   $25 per month
Quarterly:   $60 per three months

Current Statistics:
200,000 views per month
Over 10,000 Members
Alexa Rank: 47,623
PageRank: 4

Choosing the 3 month option allows you to place your text link in a highly targeted active category of your choice for only $5/week! Not only will you get direct exposure to your target market, but you will also have an optimized relevant link back to your page which will help it to rank better in the major search engines.

Highly Targeted Advertising on the Topic-Specific
Category of your choice...

Your text link will be displayed at the top of each category section, and also category-wide on every post within that particular category.   You will be able to specify your Link Text (anchor text) as a Category Sponsor.

For example, in the SEO category, the sponsored links can be seen on the category page and will also be displayed on all SEO threads contained within that category. You can click the image to open the forum live in a new window:

Screen Shot - Click to see live example

If you would like to advertise site-wide or on specific pages/sections of this site, please contact me directly. Let me know what your interests are specifically, and I would be happy to work out a suitable deal for you.

Choose Your Text Link Options...

Important! - Be sure to keep the window open after payment to give us the details of your ad. Paypal will forward you to that next step. We will need your forum username (if you have one), name, email, category you'd like your ad placed in, URL and linking text.  When you fill out this information you will be added to our list to be kept up to date on the advertising options available.

If for any reason you miss the page please go HERE and enter your details.

Not currently accepting new advertisers...

Please Note:

  • Payments are accepted through Paypal and are non-refundable once advertisements are placed.

  • Advertising will be billed on a recurring subscription, at the available rate. If rates go up while you have ads placed on this site, you will continue to get the rate at which you subscribed as long as your ad is active. Advertising can be cancelled at any time simply by logging into your PayPal account.

Contact if you have any questions.

Lynn Terry